Spotter Reporting Procedures
your primary or alternate contact
and ask them to relay your report to the National Weather Service. If you are unable to
reach the primary or alternate contact, place an emergency call through the telephone
operator to the National Weather Service. If the call is long distance, It can be made
collect. Report promptly as the storm may Interrupt communications. REPORT BRIEFLY: |
When you saw it:
make sure you note the time of your observation. What it was doing:
describe the storm's direction and speed of travel, size and intensity, and
destructiveness. Include any amount of uncertainty as needed, i.e., "funnel cloud; no
debris visible at the surface but too far away to be certain it Is not on the
ground." Identify yourself and your location. Give spotter code number if one has been assigned. Report:
Additional Tips for Skywarn Spotters
25-31 | Large branches in motion; whistling heard in telephone wires | 55-72 | Damage to chimneys and TV antenna; pushes over shallow rooted trees | 158 & up | Severe damage; cars lifted off ground | ||
32-38 | Whole trees in motion; inconvenience felt walking against wind | 73-112 | Peels surface off roofs; windows broken; light trailer houses pushed or overturned; moving automobiles pushed off roads | ||||
39-54 | Twigs break off trees; wind generally impedes progress | 113-157 | Roofs torn off houses; weak buildings and trailer houses destroyed; large trees snapped and uprooted | * Adapted from the Beaufort and fugita Wind Scales. |
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